I am writing this on Halloween, as people are dressed up in costumes embodying alter-egos, from superheroes to Barbie, strolling the streets for sweets. Sitting in my living room, I’m contemplating the costumes & masks we wear every day…the behaviors, beliefs and patterns that have overshadowed, hidden & hijacked Who We Are, that show up on a daily basis. Commander Control, the Villainous Victim, the Siren of Scarcity, Captain Conformist, People Pleasing Polly-Anna, Silence the Sorcerer, the Perfect Perfectionist & the Obstinate Bully, just to name a few.
We wear masks for many reasons, we may have intentionally adopted them or they may have arisen of their own accord, from reacting instead of responding mindfully & with intention to the environment around us. They can serve as a self-preservation mechanism - to keep us feeling safe & protected, or give us a (false) sense of authority & empowerment.
I often wonder what the world would look like if everyone started to show up from a real & raw place of radical authenticity, integrity, and vulnerability. What if we all stood firmly in our power, instead of our wounds, and owned the magnitude of our light & our divine soul-spark? What if we allowed ourselves to be kooky and crazy, wild & free? What if we lead from love instead of fear, trust instead of control, and abundance instead of scarcity? What if we found the center point within ourselves, so we aren’t disrupted by the slightest distractions & divisiveness around us?
Stripping down to our rawest, truest selves may sound like a scary proposition…but the absence of presence within oneself is even more terrifying.
May you always remember all that you are,