We have a global vision, of co-creating conscious evolution on this planet....where people are awakening every day to their luminous nature, remembering who they are & the magic that they carry, while deepening their connection to the natural world. It is time to anchor light, love & levity within, so we can be the change we wish to see, and shine a light on the darkness, both within ourselves and in the world. Because flower essences are energetic in nature, they are the perfect ally to assist us in this quest.
We would love to collaborate with you to increase our reach, and weave our web as we build our luminous global network. If you are interested in sharing BiolumenEssence products with your customers, clients, followers & friends, and earn a commission in the process while getting special discounts on BiolumenEssence products, apply for our affiliate program today!
Signing up is easy & there is no fee to join, or long term commitment. Just fill out the application below and upon approval, you will be able to access your Affiliate Dashboard.
In your dashboard you will have access to images, links & logos that you can upload onto your website, or embed in your newsletters, emails, blogs, etc. When someone visits biolumenessence.com from your link and places an order, it will indicate that the sale was initiated from you, and you will be given commission on the order. We offer 15% commission to our affiliates.
If you are interested in running a special promotion just for your clients, please contact julie@biolumenessence.com to discuss the possibilities.