Showing up in 2022

Showing up in 2022

The New Year is often met with optimism and hopefulness. An opportunity to start fresh, to leave all the stuff behind that you don’t want to bring into the future you are creating for yourself. What has been at the forefront of my awareness for the past few weeks, is our powerful ability to choose. Choose who we are going to be & choose how we are going to respond – especially to the moments that challenge us. I invite you to think about what you are choosing for yourself this year.  How do you want to show up in the world? 
Maybe there is one word that captures & embodies that for you – Hopeful. Healthy. Happy. Confident. Creative. Strong. Open. Peaceful. Grateful. Humble. Enthusiastic. Trust. Courage. Authenticity. Presence. Passionate. Wild. Free. 
Keep this word in mind as you traverse through 2022 – and allow it to bring you deeper into the authentic expression & embodiment of Who You Are. 

I look forward to holding space for your growth & expansion in 2022,


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