Winter won't let go

Winter won't let go

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you’ve undoubtedly noticed that I always seem to relate what is going on in the external world, to what moves in & through us internally. 
I can’t help but notice the reflection of myself & the Collective in nature and in the world around me. 
By the time March rolls around, many of us are ready for spring in CT, and yet, winter still seems to be holding on. I took a walk yesterday, just pondering this – why is winter holding on so tightly this year, is there still something we can learn from winter, before the transition into spring? 
I start to look at what parts of ourselves (and the world) are bitter, cold and hardened like the frozen snow we see all around us. And I wonder about the places within us calling for comfort and protection…and I feel on a lot of levels that many of us could still use a little more hibernation & self-care, snuggling under warm blankets & drinking hot chocolate with whipped cream right about now. 
Sometimes we push ourselves too hard – we try to make things happen when the timing just isn’t right…and this time of year is a good reminder of that….to be patient, and to trust that warmer, brighter days are ahead. The spring sun brings a softening…one that calls forth growth from deep within the earth & ourselves…from seeds we have previously planted, that will blossom in the months ahead.  In the meantime, give yourself permission to be exactly where you are at, and trust in the perfection of that. 
Of course, if you are just done with winter, be like a Crocus, and bust through the cold snow and bloom in your own delicate yet powerful magnificence, just because. Even though the circumstances around you aren’t “ideal” in the eyes of others, you know that it is time, and it is your destiny to bloom & shine in the world. We are here to support you in that!

Shine bright, 


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