I spent some time in Vermont this weekend, whispering prayers into the water & the wind. I could feel how quickly the earth received my offerings, and integrated them for her own balance & healing. I’d like to imagine people receive the prayers & sacred intentions of others with the same ease & effortlessness, as if they are instantly absorbed into one’s very being.
The earth is forgiving. She doesn’t hold grudges or resentments - towards herself or others, she accepts love, gratitude & apologies and responds with the generous beauty of rainbows & bird songs and continues to grow, thrive & share unconditionally. There is no self-hatred, judgement or guilt from any of her actions or inactions. She doesn’t shut down, tune out or stop being herself in the face of anything that comes her way. She exudes a sense of divine trust in the perfection of life itself, all the time, even in the face of destructive storms that uproot trees, & reroute her waters.
No matter what you are navigating, may you find peace & perfection in the reflection of the world around you,