If you are alive on this planet right now, you’ve surely noticed that life is doling out challenges to many of us. Those challenges look different for everyone, but the template is similar. It is like an obstacle course laid out before us, that the Universe wants us to navigate with the grace & vigor of an Olympian…yet it can be hard to be excited & enthusiastic about it when many of us are exhausted and overwhelmed.
In our day to day life it is easy to forget to look at things from a higher perspective, and see obstacles for the opportunity that they bring. Obstacles force us to pivot, to shift our direction, or reimagine another way…one that wouldn’t have occurred to us, if we didn’t have to hurdle over the well-worn rut that we’ve gotten ourselves into. We find a new perspective along this new route, that helps us to shift, change & grow.
Given that spring is just around the corner, this makes me think of the humble yet tenacious dandelion. Busting through the cracks in the pavement or blooming after being poisoned with weed killer, this “weed” has taken these obstacles & challenges and met them with an equal yet opposite force of potent medicine & magic, two qualities that have come to be synonymous with the dandelion.
So, this is your friendly reminder, that the obstacles & challenges you’ve endured, have endowed you with your own medicine & magic, that’ll assist you on the new path you are forging.
Remember to always blow your wishes into the wind,