Inspiration & Creativity

Inspiration & Creativity

I’ve been struggling with the topic of this month’s newsletter, trying to force the inspiration to arise when usually it drops in pretty clearly, and just flows effortlessly. “But I have a deadline, I have to get this sent out in the next 45 minutes” I tell myself. This begs the question, “Is inspiration & creativity worth waiting for?” Or is it better just to throw something together, just to get it done?
 I was thinking earlier about how aesthetically impoverished we (our society) has become – with every strip mall & storage unit that gets erected, and fast food joint that comes to town, something in the human spirit dies a little bit. Our souls long for the beauty and awe that old architecture evokes…it calls forth something from within us, that on a deep level, reminds us of who we are. In our rush to just “get it done” because the clock is ticking, we’ve sacrificed so much of what nourishes us on a whole other level.  

In recent years we’ve seen the rise of the “slow food” movement, and I like to think at the Gem, we help foster & support a “slow art” movement - with the handcrafted gifts we offer from our local artisans. By giving the gift of a handcrafted piece of pottery, jewelry or home décor, not only are you supporting another local, small business, you are casting your vote for more beauty, creativity, and soul in the world, instead of supporting mass produced items made by a machine or in a sweat shop far away. 
May the beauty of what you love, be what you do, 
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