Hawk Medicine

Hawk Medicine

Whether it is through meditating with crystals, talking to plants or analyzing your dreams, the world around us is always finding ways to communicate & impart its wisdom to us. My work is generally with the subtle/energetic and aromatic qualities of plants, and in speaking about that to people, there is a softness to the power of this medicine. This past Thursday, I had an encounter with a hawk, that to say the least, was anything but subtle, soft and flowery. There was power & wildness…a raw & ruthless scavenging on one side, and the surrender that its prey ultimately embodied, as its life force left its body on the other. Animals, especially in the wild, are messengers. They are teachers that show up often when we are pondering existential questions, or when we pray for guidance…their wisdom and message often isn’t gentle, but full of power & purpose, as it calls us to embody the wild & fierce aspects of ourselves.
I debated sharing the story, until two women came into the shop this weekend, asking for something with a hawk totem on it. When she showed me some gorgeous photos she took of her hawk visitor, I knew that the hawk had some wisdom to impart to our larger community.
Hawks help us see things from a higher perspective, have clear vision & focus and bring about increased spiritual awareness. According to Animal Speak, by Ted Andrews, hawks “can awaken visionary power & lead you to your life purpose. It is the messenger bird, and where it shows up, pay attention. There is a message coming.” 
May you clearly discern the messages that the critters that cross your path hold,
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