Find your Center

Find your Center

When checking the energetic pulse of the collective (as I do, before writing this newsletter every month), the message that came through loud and clear, was “Find your center”. If you take a minute to close your eyes, and take a slow, deep breath, you can almost feel the chaos swirling around outside of you, start to slow & lose its power. 
We are being bombarded from every direction with distraction & division, while trying to focus on our own lives and the very real challenges of being a human on the planet at this time. It is definitely a wild time to be alive, and yet, how much of our aliveness do we compromise & expend, letting forces outside of ourselves hijack our time, attention, thoughts & emotions? 
Find your center, and bring your awareness back to that place of stillness, sovereignty & authenticity that lives within you – sink into the feeling of this space, and from here, call in those beliefs, choices & actions that are in alignment & resonance with who you are, at the core of your being. Don’t let yourself be swayed by the sea of chaos outside, and trust that all that is in alignment, will find you. 
Wishing you a bright & beautiful August.
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