Flowers Essences Illuminate our Light Body

Flowers Essences Illuminate our Light Body


It is my sense that flowers carry codes of light. Flower essences capture this light, and make it assimilable in the body. They help to energize & illuminate our light-body by shining a light on what is dark & stuck within us, helping us to shift and transmute those energies/beliefs/patterns.

We are multidimensional, cosmically connected beings. Flower essences support our ability to SHINE in the world and to feel lighter & brighter while they assist us on our path of ascension,  helping us to integrate cosmic & earthly energies.

The word LUMEN is defined as a unit of luminosity...related to the Latin "lucere" meaning "to shine"...I don't think it is a coincidence that in botany, a "lumen" is a cavity within a plant cell, surrounded by a cell wall. I'm guessing that in a bunch of years, when science catches up with energy, intuition and WOO, that they'll discover that plants hold light in these cavities.

Maybe this research has been done, I don't know, I haven't gone looking for specific scientific evidence of it...sometimes I like to sit in my own  wonder and awe, pondering the magic of the universe before I go searching for some distilled down, reductive analysis that eliminates magic and only takes into account what one can deduce by only using the 5 senses.

 What is your experience? Have you noticed an inner luminosity awakening within, when you use flower essences? Are you ever awe-struck just gazing at the geometric perfection of the natural world around you?


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