

I’d like you to take a minute to get present to the present moment. Take a deep breath, and just allow yourself to slow down. Notice what it feels like, when you actually *BREATHE*. Feel the tension in your body start to release.  We are all so busy, whether it is being outwardly consumed with a lot going on & a to do list a mile long, or inwardly, with thoughts that won’t quit, or emotional overwhelm from, well, life…we all need a break. 
There is so much in the world these days to distract us from ourselves & from the innate simplicity of being human. Our bandwidth to hold space for the struggle & sadness in the world is being challenged. I think there is a point where the constant inundation of information becomes damaging instead of helpful. Looking around, it’s almost like we are collectively starting to short circuit from this overload & onslaught of energy. You can see it in the faces of the people you interact with every day. 

It is time to call ourselves back to ourselves & reclaim our attention, focus & awareness.  Take a look where you invest your energy – your time, your thoughts, your food, your habits, hobbies & dollar. Are those choices nourishing you or depleting you? Do one thing today or this week, to engage with your wild, human self. Take a walk in the woods and dip your feet in the creek, sit on the earth & listen to the symphony of the forest. Connect with kindred spirits & have a conversation about all the things taking up residence in your mind & heart. Take a walk along the beach, watch the sunrise, get your hands into some soil and allow the busy-ness to fade away, as you sink into a space of peace-full presence and feel all that arises authentically from within yourself.
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