After the Storm

After the Storm

Happy July!
As I sat down to write, I was thinking about all the wild & powerful storms that have been rolling through lately. Unsure of what the topic will be this month, I decided to pull a card from the Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild, and as synchronicity would have it, the card that came up was “1 After the Storm”.  

In Alana’s words: “There is, in life and in the creative process, a need to allow for wild storms. There will be those precious moments of peace beforehand and the release and revitalization that follows, yet the storm in the middle is essential. It is a natural part of the creative process. Without this building and releasing of energy, we would suffer from boredom and stagnancy. You may prefer the excitement of the storm, or the fresh, open feeling that accompanies its clearing. You may find it confronting to be faced with the power of something in which you can only participate, rather than control. Either way, the storm wisdom offers you the gift of bringing things to a head, and clearing them away so that the energy can be freed from a pattern that has had its day, and is ready to become something new.”
The next time a storm rolls in, allow yourself to jump in the puddles or walk slowly through the pouring rain. Use the rumbling thunder to release any tension or stagnation you’ve been harboring. Envision the lightning stimulating the growth of dreams you’ve been carrying. Bask in the relief that comes when the sun shines and the rainbow appears after the storm passes. 
Trust that you are always supported by the wisdom & wonder of nature,
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